Monday, September 22, 2008

Here's to Cindy and Joe!

I have to give a shout out to Cindy and Joe – our fabulous former tenants – who sold us a bunch of their stuff when they moved back to their home in Texas. See above photo. They didn't sell us the computer (or Leslie) - but they did sell us everything else pictured and more! The little trash cans they left have doubled as both end tables and step stools (see the coffee on the trash can next to Leslie.) Invaluable!

This made the first few days before our shopping ventures so much better than it would have been. And, for what price did they offer all this stuff? $375!!! But, we drove a hard bargain and sent them $500 along with promises to give more if we felt that the items they left were of high quality. They were. It was so great to come to our empty house and find it not so empty. It felt like a home.

We didn’t have to send the additional money to Joe and Cindy because Joe was in town and he collected it – along with Leslie’s great stirfry - in person. He was here to mow their two-acre lot up the coast, something he does every few months. He is a pilot for American Airlines so this isn’t as weird – or as expensive - as it sounds.

Anyway, they were really great tenants and we totally appreciated their kindness to us.

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