Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fun with shadows

So, now that I am convinced that my readership can be measured in the half-dozen, I feel obligated to put something. Anything. The problem is that when it is sunny out, I feel I should be working because most of the work that needs to be done is outside. Right now, there is mostly sun. If I am working (or drinking or eating or studying French), I can't be doing this blog. So, therein lies the dilemma. I am sure the rain will come. This is Hilo, after all, the rainiest city in America! But, just so you will have something to look at, I give you these three shadow pictures....

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Oh, thank GOD! I was desperate for more posts. Not only do I love the shadow pictures, but I am cracking up about the Kevin Bacon Wagner connection. I think Kevin would be interested in knowing this. He is a musician, after all. We'll have to start working on that..

Sure do wish we were having cocktails and shadow puppet shows with you in Hilo!