Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Russ is aggrieved

My brother, Russ, is not only a regular reader of the blog but he has some magic way to get notified whenever I post one. I think it has something to do with a RSS feed, whatever that is. He will correct me if I am wrong. And, he promised to send instructions. (You can tell that I am not exactly a tech wizard....) Anyway, I have updated this to correct the wrong I inflicted on my wonderful brother.

Oh, and another thing. Do you remember the photo/ commentary about my cheap-ass compost bin? Well, it has been updated with information that my buddy Brian supplied about why food waste is so darn bad. Please review here if you don't know this information. And start composting!

1 comment:

Russ McDuff said...

Instructions isn't quite the right word, because there are so many ways of doing this.

Hawaii 08 has a URL for its news feed: http://ramcduffhawaii.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss. So what to do with this string?

I am a Mac OS X user and I run a dedicated newsreader, NetNewsWire. It is Walter Mossberg's favorite and I recommend it too. It used to cost money, but now seems to be free. Once it is set up then clicking on the link at the bottom of Robin's blog:
Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)
does the trick.The same company also offers Windows-specific readers.

Or many e-mail clients can be used. Thunderbird is one of them. Some Instructions. If you set this up then new entries look like new mail.

Or your web browser can help. You the Firefox Location Toolbar, just to the right of the blog URL you'll see a blue RSS symbol. Click it to create a "Live Bookmark" . Or in Safari you'll find, in blue, "RSS". Click it, and near the bottom of the right hand column will be a choice to subscribe to the blog in the Apple Mail client.